Therfore this rules out us ever celebrating Australia day on January 26, the day that Arthur Phillip landed in Sydney Cove and started the long and traumatic process of invasion and colonisation of this country. Holding celebrations on this day continues to hurt people, as it only tells one side of the story, denying an entire culture their history and experiences. A culture that has been here for 60,000 years. A rather long time in comparison to the 230 years since colonisation.
Do we really want to be involved in a party that continues to hurt people? It baffles me that a large portion of our country.. including our politicians... think its OK to do this.
So over the years when this day comes around in my house, I ask my kids to imagine for a moment that everyone is having a party on the day that our family was traumatic killed and our lives and culture changed forever. A day where our land and house were stolen, and the things most important to us were destroyed. I ask them to imagine what it would feel like to be taken away from me, purely based on our race and to not know where I am. Forced to live the ways of another culture, speak another language and live with people they don't know. And then imagine how it would feel that the people who now live in our house celebrate this day as an achievement. A day of success. The day that caused us deep deep heartache, pain and now their day of celebration.
I ask them to imagine how that would feel?
When my kids have expressed at times that it feels "unfair" particularly if I've said they can't go to a party or event. We talk about this idea of fairness. How fair is it to ignore the voices and experiences of very significant people to this land. How fair is it that Australia Day currently ignores the whole truth of what happened on Jan 26 1788, 230 years ago. And they get it.
Sometimes they have asked why we don't celebrate when we didn't "do it" (which I'm sure they have heard countless times in our society) I ask them does our empathy only apply to people we have directly caused harm too? Nope. If we saw someone being hurt in the street would we ignore it just because we didn't do it? Would we walk the other way? Nope. So why would we ignore this just because we may not have directly hurt anyone? People are still hurting now. The impacts of colonisation are still huge and devastating. Do we want to add to that hurt? No. Do we want to create a culture of healing and care. Yes. They get it.
When they have asked me if this means they are bad because they are white.. I say of course not. I don't think any Aboriginal person I know would want my kids to feel they are bad. But we do have a responsibility to stand with Aboriginal people in this white dominant culture. To stand up and take action in regards to the injustices that continue to hurt people. So why wouldn't we take a stand on this day... When it's the right thing to do. They get it.
I don't know alot...But I know enough to know that my kids are open to asking questions and then seeing the conflicts this day brings and they get it. And in my role as a teacher at TAFE in 8 weeks of teaching students some of the true history of this country.. attitudes change... racism changes... And people become inspired and want to learn more about Aboriginal Australia and its 60,000 year history. People feel compassion. People feel angry and sad that they never knew. People feel proud of Aboriginal Australians. And people stop celebrating Australia day. They get it.
Sadly this country lacks awareness of the true history of what has happened here in the last 230 years. Our government lacks the courage to truly face it and acknowledge it, preventing so many people from getting it...
But I/we have the power as people to face it in our own actions. To use this day make change and to educate ourselves and our kids about the truth. We can use this day as an opportunity to feel deeply and enquire about what Jan 26 might mean for the Aboriginal people in this country. We can use this day to demonstrate empathy and care. And to join with them and celebrate the survival of the oldest living culture on earth.
So here is some recommended viewing and reading to do instead of celebrating Australia day on Jan 26 2018
Videos -
First Australians episode 1 (or any of them as they are all fabulous)
Our Generation
Bringing them Home - separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People from their families
Rabbit Proof Fence
Samson and Delilah
Women of the Sun
Why Warriors Lay Down and Die
Blood on the Wattle
Articles -
Events - or check your local area for Survival Day events.
Songs -
Archie Roach - Took the Children Away
Yothu Yindi - Treaty
Yirrmal - The Bridge
A B Original - January 26
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