Thursday, 7 September 2017

Psychics...Psychologist.. and all other healers...

asia, beautiful, believe

Yes I really did visit a psychic for the first time in my life today. I've always been so hesitant entering into that world, as I don't want to be told I'm going to die! (even though I know this is a fact for us all.. but I don't want to be told again and again!)

But it wasn't like that at all. She told me within 5 minutes of me explaining why I was there, that I should start a blog !! And at that point I was thinking.. oh goodness I just paid $60 for her to tell me what I'm already doing!

She did say a whole lot of other stuff too though.. which was good reinforcement that I'm on the right path. Which makes my soul feel peaceful. Its amazing how much my soul will scream if I'm not doing what I'm supposed to be doing. Whether that be my job, dating the wrong person, scrolling facebook for too long!

She said I need to use my stories and make things out of them.

She also cried, as she told me she knew someone when she was little whos mum had Huntingtons Disease and just how awful and terrible is. I always get scared at this point in conversation with people.. as it can go in so many ways...people can go into telling me that there are herbs that will cure it (hmmmm) that I am the lucky one not having the gene and it was "meant to be" (ummm no) that my mum "chose her illness" (oh please!!!!) or to just breathe (ahhhhh!!)

 I will never forget the time I sat with a psychologist after my Aunt had just died from HD and he told me to close my eyes and breathe! I wanted to punch him. But no I didn't do that. I sadly closed my eyes and breathed like a good client. And then felt violated and had a whole bunch of new issues to deal with after leaving. I left wondering why I was so bloody obedient and didn't tell him NOOO!!! (we could analyze that to death...power, power, power!)

So anyway.. what can happen in "helping" sessions when I see people and talk about Huntingtons Disease, is I end up educating people. I have to explain the disease over and over. Which is exhausting!!! I really don't want to explain it to another single person, but I know I will probably always have to. I sent an article to a therapist once for him to read before I went in, to avoid having to tell him the story. And he said he didn't understand why I would want him to read it. Right.. so if you have a client coming to visit you from another country would you not read up about that culture before they entered the room? Yes. Well if you have a client coming in to see you who has a disease in their family would you not read up about that disease before they come... YES!!

So, research, aware of your power...and whatever you NOT tell people to breathe.

So fortunately this psychic didn't tell me to breathe (and I didn't punch anyone) She pulled out a beautiful card from her fancy love pack of cards and she told me to be creative.

That I can do.

"You cant use up creativity, the more you use the more you have" Maya Angelou


  1. To find peace and joy in life, we need to reflect and telling stories via blogs is one way to reflect
